What Happens During A Foreclosure in Florida & How We Help!

Just the mere mention of the word “foreclosure” can cause stress that we want to help alleviate. In order to know how to handle a foreclosure in Florida, we want to share some information with you as we’re your key to real estate solutions.

What Is foreclosure?

Foreclosure is the remedy for the lien holder (mortgage company) to take back possession of a mortgaged property when the borrower falls behind in their mortgage payments. In Florida, the foreclosure process is a judicial process that will usually take months to complete as the case works through the courts.

It’s a state court remedy to clear the title so that the property can be sold once again free and clear of any liens and encumbrances. Absent a modification or reinstatement of the loan by paying all the amounts due and owing, the foreclosure will progress until the property is auctioned off or purchased.

What Do We Do?

when you are dealing with foreclosure it can drain your finances very quickly. As you can imagine, claiming bankruptcy, or refinancing, aren’t ideal or feasible options for everyone and we’ve been helping clients with foreclosures and other issues such as probate, code violations, liens, and more for years, and we’re prepared to help you with your foreclosure. We can help settle your debt and put cash in your pocket. We can hire an attorney to help put you in the best position possible as well as defend you in the legal process as well if you choose.

These services do not cost you anything and we pride ourselves on reducing the stress that can be caused when times get tough. We want to work with you to help you as an ally. We are so confident in our team and resources that we are happy to address legal costs, paying the debt, and other options we can discuss with you!

Don’t let a foreclosure threaten your sanity! We’re here to help.